Comprehensive Vulnerability Prioritization, Remediation Automation, and Validation From a Single Platform

  • Headquartered In: USA and Canada
  • Company Size: 1,000+ Employees
  • Industries: All exclude Government
  • Titles and Job Level: Security Influencers and Decision Makers
  • Titles and Job Level: IT Director+

Built on the foundation of a complete asset inventory, this platform proactively identifies exposures, including software and environmental vulnerabilities like missing security tools and IT hygiene issues. This enables organizations to protect the modern attack surface by prioritizing, automating, and validating the remediation of the exposures presenting the greatest risk to their IT environment.

Asset inventory is foundational to a comprehensive vulnerability management program because, without vulnerability and patch management agents, assets will be missing from scans for CVEs or remain unpatched. This solution surfaces and prioritizes assets missing agents for remediation alongside CVEs to drive more robust vulnerability management programs.

Finding exposures is only the start. This solution automates remediation workflows and validates remediation when it’s observed on the asset, not when a ticket is closed. Improve cross-team collaboration and accountability with metrics like mean time to remediation (MTTR), compliance with remediation SLAs, and patch efficacy to track and improve efficacy of remediation efforts.

Top reasons our community cites for adopting or considering this solution:

  • Growing vulnerability backlogs and limited data on technical severity and business impact that could help with prioritizing the greatest risks.
  • Lack of visibility into environmental vulnerabilities like missing or misconfigured security controls, end-of-life systems, shadow IT, and more.
  • Incomplete deployment of vuln assessment and patch management agents necessary for successful vulnerability management programs.
  • Incomplete inventories of assets and controls leaving blindspots and security gaps.
  • Limited means of validating remediation because of reliance on closed tickets rather than validating that remediation actions are actually observed on assets.
  • Challenges measuring effectiveness of remediation due to limited metrics on remediation.

You must be directly involved in your company’s evaluation process for solutions like this, or in the management chain for people who do. You must be a hands-on user of the prospective solution or in the management chain of users. Please do not register for programs that are an unlikely fit. Your credibility and ours depend on it.

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