A review of cloud storage costs

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I often get questions about comparing cloud storage costs from the three major cloud service providers (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud). When it comes to finding a solution for your cloud computing needs, solutions are best considered on a case-by-case basis. And given the breadth of cloud storage options available, it is certainly true in this case. A few things I will briefly consider are pricing models, discounts and steps you can take to avoid wasted cloud spend.

The leading cloud service providers have certain strengths and weaknesses that ultimately differentiate each one of them in terms of your particular development infrastructure, operations and applications. Cloud service providers offer many different cloud pricing points depending on compute, storage, database, analytics, application and deployment requirements. Additionally, organizations consider available services and networks provided to see the full scope of their resource capabilities and governance.

To read the entire article, please click on https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/opinions/review-cloud-storage-costs/

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