Without an agile, flexible, and secure network infrastructure, organizations are in danger of falling behind competitors. That’s why many organizations are seeking to transform their businesses with cloud computing and hybrid cloud environments that are more adaptive and flexible. Software-defined networks (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) can ease that path, but it requires automation along with intelligence that understands and can even predict what users and organizations want and need to do.
Digital transformation has quickly moved beyond hype to become one of the top business imperatives. “Digital transformation is forcing companies to be agile and move with speed, and the network needs to be equally agile and fast,” writes industry analyst Zeus Kerravala. “The separation of control and data planes enables control to be abstracted away from the device and centralized so a network administrator can issue a change that is propagated instantly across the entire network.”
To read the entire article, please click on https://www.networkworld.com/article/3276352/techology-business/the-next-sdn-leap-automation-and-intent-driven-networking.html