‘RF Code for Edge’ Watches Edge Data Centers’ Backs

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Austin-based RF Code is looking for work monitoring edge data center facilities. As more compute moves to the edge, there’s going to be more small data centers located at or in close proximity to cell towers, in office buildings and hospitals, or in any other location where low latency provides an advantage. Many of these edge data centers are already up and running, but industry insiders say this is a migration that has only just begun. In a few years, small data centers located close to the internet’s end points will be the rule, it’s predicted.

This new breed of data center will largely run on autopilot, locked tight and with lights out 24/7. They’ll also be largely unstaffed, except when equipment needs to be installed or when there’s trouble. With no staff on-prem, reliable monitoring equipment will need to be in place to alert edge operators of problems like equipment failure or physical breaches of the facilities.

To read the entire article, please click on https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/edge-computing/rf-code-edge-watches-edge-data-centers-backs

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