404s mentions of F5 Networks

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References to F5 Networks have vanished from Citrix’s web page, and The Register understands a possible lawsuit is the motivation for the deletions. F5’s portfolio includes the BIG-IP application delivery controller, which competes with Citrix’s NetScaler. F5 has suggested BIG-IP can do a job improving the performance of Citrix’s Virtual Apps and Virtual desktops (known as XenApp and XenDesktop until a recent rebranding exercise.)

Citrix Systems

The Register understands that Citrix isn’t happy with the way F5 has promoted BIG-IP of late. The disappeared documents appear to be competitive marketing assets that are critical of F5 or report case studies where Citrix displaced its rival. Others mention events at which Citrix positioned itself as superior to F5. Here’s a sample of one of the disappeared web pages, retrieved from a web cache. The full page offers readers the chance to download a document titled “Five Reasons Why Market Confidence in F5 is Declining.”

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