5G networks: to slice or not to slice?

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In many ways, 5G represents more than its definition as the fifth generation of network and mobile communication. When fully utilized, the technology reflects the augmentation of a smart ecosystem – a catalyst for other technologies, the Internet of Things especially. With industries – old and new – at the cusp of constant change, 5G fits into a unique market position, with the ability to ignite varied opportunities, tread into fresh innovations, and offer flexibility with customizable services.

In effect, 5G technology propels several concepts to flesh in reality. Smart cities, homes, or workplaces are, in fact, small examples that attest to the fact. It’s made possible by all the advantages 5G brings to the table – low latency, more bandwidth, and a denser network coverage; some of the apparent benefits are easily leveraged for IoT applications even. But as is the case with most next-generation technologies, innovation within the realm of 5G branches into several sub-categories; and the one I am most excited about is network slicing.

To read the entire article, please click on https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/11/5g-networks-to-slice-or-not-to-slice/

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